What is Game of Thrones?

A Quick Guide to Game of Thrones



Popular Characters

You hear your friends talking non-stop about "Ooh Jon Snow is so cool." "Ooo I really like Tyrion in that scene." and you can't help to roll your eyes.


These are the popular memes you keep seeing around

The Theme Song
"Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh" - You heard this many times somewhere somehere. What is it? It is the famous opening credits for each episode. The song has been hailed as majestic and epic but we all know it is the show that makes the music and not the music that makes the show.

2D GoT Sidescrolling Game

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Stuff for hardcores only

Game of Thrones Season 1 to 6 recap
Warning:This video will fill your head with so many character names you will get a headache. Only for viewers who have watched the entire series
Preston Jacobs Youtube Channel
Preston Jacob's youtube channel is considered one of the most comprehensive guide to game of thrones ever. He is a deep fan who has read all the books and compares it to the TV show.
GoT Academy Youtube Channel
Gil and Itamar's youtube channel compares Game of Thrones to real life history. If you didn't know, events in Game of Thrones were actually inspired by events in history. Gil and Itamar are also very hilarious and always a joy to watch.

Page made by Shilong Foo

All rights & credits go to the original owners

I do not own the pictures and the videos